Testing Our New 3mm Air Fryer Accessory

We recently received a delivery from our favorite store, and I couldn't wait to share it with you. We ordered a new air fryer accessory that promises to be a game-changer in our kitchen. This particular accessory is 3mm thick, compared to others that are only 1mm thick. The thickness should help with heat distribution and durability.

First Impressions

I ordered this accessory because it claims to be higher quality due to its 3mm thickness. Thicker accessories often mean better heat retention and less wear and tear over time. Our air fryer, a Casori model, heats from the top, so this should be a good fit. Let's check if it fits perfectly in the basket.

After a quick check, it looks like the fit is just right. I'm not going to test it right now since it's 8 PM, but I'll wash it thoroughly and plan to use it tomorrow.

Initial Test and First Use

Impatient as I am, I gave the accessory a good wash and decided to try it out immediately. Ignoring any potential "new product" smell warnings, I placed it in the air fryer and set it to preheat at 205°C for 5 minutes.

Monitoring Electricity Usage

While the air fryer was preheating, I decided to check its electricity usage. Our current charge for electricity is 33p per kWh. Initially, the air fryer drew around 1860 watts, but as it approached the set temperature, the wattage fluctuated and eventually decreased. After a few minutes, it was only using 32 watts.

This fluctuation is typical for air fryers as they reach and maintain temperature. Unlike conventional ovens that take longer to heat and maintain a more constant energy draw, air fryers cycle on and off frequently to regulate the temperature.


After the preheat cycle, I checked the accessory. The initial strong smell had significantly reduced, leaving only a faint odor. The preheating cost about 3.4 pence and used 0.1 kWh. Despite the initial smell, the accessory seems ready for cooking.

Final Thoughts

Using this new 3mm thick accessory appears promising. It fits well in the air fryer, and the initial test shows it handles preheating efficiently. Monitoring the electricity usage was insightful, reinforcing the air fryer's energy efficiency compared to a standard oven.

I'll continue testing this accessory with various recipes and keep you updated on its performance. Remember, investing in quality accessories can enhance your cooking experience and potentially save on energy costs.

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